Wednesday, 29 April 2015

The Anomaly

Hello there,

The other night, after a long day at work, I decided all I wanted to do was chill and have a film night and rather than  a film I have watched countless times, I would look on sky movies on demand.  I was met by a vast range of choices from all different genres but decided on sci-fi thriller 'The Anomaly'.  I had no idea what the film was about before pressing play and made the decision to watch it purely based on the fact that Ian Somerholder (Damon in 'The Vampire Diaries') was one of the main characters.

Sky rated the film a 15 and warned there would be violence, strong language and sexual scenes.  After watching I could most definitely tell why as there was quite a lot of violence and strong language.  This for me was a completely different kind of film to what I would usually watch (I love Disney films and the soppy girly films more.) but regardless I pressed play and watched right till the end.

The film was certainly interesting whilst also being confusing as hell! I didn't understand much of what was going on or why but it certainly kept you gripped.  I understood enough to follow the films story and enjoyed watching it at the time. Basically the story involves a guy, Ryan, being involved in some kind of experiment in which he was being controlled by a Professor and his son.  It was some form of technology Ryan being the receiver and the professor being the transmitter which allows the professor control.  The technology however was affected by a solar storm and didn't fully work allowing Ryan 9 minutes and 45 seconds to figure out what was happening to himself and the world around him and try and stop the professor and his son from infecting the nation, whilst also trying to undo his wrong doings whilst under control.

It was a good film and kept me gripped right until the end as I wanted to see if Ryan could figure everything out.  However I don't see myself reaching for the remote to watch it again.  Maybe its because its not my usual type of film or that I didn't really understand what was happening but I can not see it become one of my vastly played films.  I think I'll stick to Disney for a while.

Leigh x

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