Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Planning things...

Hello There,

Where do I start? In what I had planned to be the best year ever I start it feeling stressed and anxious over two things... The Easter Fundraising Fayre for Rainbows and Brownies and my 21st Birthday Party.

We'll start with the Easter fayre. I clearly haven't learnt from last time and thought it would be an amazing idea to basically end up planning and organising another fundraising event, I don't mind doing this it just sucks that I don't seem to get any help or support as I am doing it. One corner of my room is literally dedicated to things for the fayre and quite honestly I'm fed up of seeing it. I'm hopeful that this time around we will be successful and raise more money than last years summer flop but part of me can't help but think we are not going to achieve that. Without being big headed or bratty I feel that if the other leaders had listened to me and booked the room for later on in the day we might have more people show up, but hey I can't change that now can I? I mean the council are being kind enough to let us have the room for free. We'll have to see how it goes (fingers crossed).

And now onto my birthday party the most stressful one of the two. I have all these ideas and plans but I just don't have the budget or creativity to make them a reality, the cake I have fell in love with I have found out will cost me at least£160 (for cake whaat?) so the one thing I wanted is going to have to be modified to make it cheaper and more realistic. And then there's the decorations, I have quite possibly chosen the hardest colour scheme in the world! Gold and white. Like seriously Leigh if you can pull this off it'll be great but good luck finding things to make it work! Argh! I am so great ful that my birthday isn't until June so I have a good time to plan this thing, if it was next month I don't know what I'd do!

Any tips for making either of these a success?

Leigh x

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