Friday, 1 January 2016

A new year

Hello There,

First of all Happy New Year! 2016 already time just flies by!

As with a new year you get the people going new year new me and then they never change and it was a complete waste of time. I myself have never been one to do the whole new me thing choosing more realistic resolutions like last years read more (and still I don't succeed as much as I would like) but this year I've decided that yes in a way it will be new me. Here are my 5 resolutions that I hope I can follow to make 2016 the best year yet!

1) Do more of what makes me happy- for years I have always worried about everyone else and just followed if you will, seeing the films I don't want to see because I was too afraid to say no, constantly trying to reconnect with 'friends' who couldn't care less because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But 2016 is the year I'm going to put myself first and think about my own feelings.

2) Drink more- self explanatory I never drink enough water in a day and always seem to have a headache because of it so I need to drink more.

3) Get fitter- this is one I have every year and fail on. I'm extremely unfit and really want to change that this year, fingers crossed I can keep to it!

4) Pass my driving test- not really a resolution more of a goal but I am determined that by the end of this year I will have passed!

5) Enjoy life- I've always been the person to shy away from social outings always too afraid to go, this comes from having anxiety but I don't want to let it rule me anymore. I need to start saying yes!

So that's my 5 who knows by the end of the year I might be writing a blog post on how well all of these have gone and then again I could be writing on on how bad they've gone. What are your New Years resolutions?

Leigh x

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