Thursday, 27 August 2015

A fundraising flop!

Hello there,

Since joining my local girl guiding group I have partaken in some fundraising activities to keep our groups open and to also help those less fortunate than ourselves.  Recently I had the opportunity to plan and run a summer fayre and boy was it stressful!

I spent months planning, organising and thinking of ideas. I had the girls come up with themes, had them making bunting and posters advertising how much each stall was, I sent letters to the parents asking kindly for donations and their girls help at the fayre. Weeks scouring pound shops and Facebook selling pages looking for some cheap bargains that could be sold on or used as prizes, I made posters to stick around the village and made sure we’d got enough raffle tickets to sink a ship!

We had plenty of stalls, some run by the brownies (well the 6 that turned up) including:

·         A raffle

·         Toiletries tombola

·         Gift tombola

·         Hook a duck

·         Cakes

·         Refreshments

·         A £1 stall

·         Guess the name of the teddy

·         Guess the number of sweets in the jar

And more and still the day didn’t go as well as we planned.  The turnout was awful with hardly anyone coming during the two hours in which we were open, loads of things were left over at the end and a chunk of what we made had to go on rent.  We raised £170 which is brilliant considering how the day went and will definitely go to keeping rainbows and brownies open in the village but it was rather disheartening that hardly any parents/ brownies came and that nobody really seemed all that bothered.  I think our next one will probably be Christmas but I’m not quite sure if I want to plan another that soon!

Has anyone got any tips?

Till next time

Leigh xx


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