Thursday, 27 August 2015

Bucket List Update!

Hello there,

It has been 9 months now since I wrote my ‘bucket list’ and I thought what better way to reflect on the year so far than a nice little update!

1)    Learn to drive – I have begun this one and have been having lessons for about three months, it’s something I knew I’d always have to do and after a wobbly start I am thoroughly enjoying it. I can’t wait to pass now!

2)    Own a car – I have seen two cars that I quite liked the look of but unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be L I do have an idea now on what kind of car I would like and have begun saving up so hopefully by the time I pass my test I will have enough to buy a car.

3)    Have a job - There have been two opportunities at the place I work for some more regular and guaranteed hours but unfortunately I haven’t been successful. I’m not too disheartened though as I am working loads at the minute.

4)    Go Abroad – In a way I am one step further I have decided that I would quite like to go to Italy or Disney land Paris but maybe not just yet!

5)    Meet Ameerah – This one is definitely going to happen and I have started saving for the trip to London.

6)    See Sam Smith Live – I am no closer with this one as of yet.

7)    Watch every episode of Friends – I have started watching them but have only managed the first disc of the box set.

8)    Do the race for life – I signed up and walked the 5k on 19/07/15 it was so much fun and everyone was so lovely, I shall keep my medal forever!

9)    Learn sign language – I am no further with this one and would really like to find a way of doing it as it would be really useful!

10) Own a Polaroid camera – I have been looking but as I am saving for a car and London have refrained from buying one.

Not many things can be crossed off of the list but who knows in another 8 months I might just be able to wipe at least two more off!

Leigh x

A fundraising flop!

Hello there,

Since joining my local girl guiding group I have partaken in some fundraising activities to keep our groups open and to also help those less fortunate than ourselves.  Recently I had the opportunity to plan and run a summer fayre and boy was it stressful!

I spent months planning, organising and thinking of ideas. I had the girls come up with themes, had them making bunting and posters advertising how much each stall was, I sent letters to the parents asking kindly for donations and their girls help at the fayre. Weeks scouring pound shops and Facebook selling pages looking for some cheap bargains that could be sold on or used as prizes, I made posters to stick around the village and made sure we’d got enough raffle tickets to sink a ship!

We had plenty of stalls, some run by the brownies (well the 6 that turned up) including:

·         A raffle

·         Toiletries tombola

·         Gift tombola

·         Hook a duck

·         Cakes

·         Refreshments

·         A £1 stall

·         Guess the name of the teddy

·         Guess the number of sweets in the jar

And more and still the day didn’t go as well as we planned.  The turnout was awful with hardly anyone coming during the two hours in which we were open, loads of things were left over at the end and a chunk of what we made had to go on rent.  We raised £170 which is brilliant considering how the day went and will definitely go to keeping rainbows and brownies open in the village but it was rather disheartening that hardly any parents/ brownies came and that nobody really seemed all that bothered.  I think our next one will probably be Christmas but I’m not quite sure if I want to plan another that soon!

Has anyone got any tips?

Till next time

Leigh xx


Another Weekend Away (26/06/15-29/06/15)

Hello There,

I have been very lucky lately in that I have had two weekends away in a row, this is an unfamiliar but welcomed occurrence.  this time I went to Saltfleet and stayed in a caravan with my mum and dad. it was a lovely holiday park and my parent even joked about buying a caravan there! There was a downfall however... no phone signal! Even though I tried my best I couldn't connect to anyone which proved to make the nights boring.

We travelled to the park on Friday after I finished work and instantly went to the chippy down the road as we were rather hungry! I didn't really enjoy the chips as we had been travelling for two hours and I felt a little bit travel sick.  we then sat for a while watching the TV (once we had it working) before unpacking some of our things and then going to bed.

On Saturday we took a day trip to Cleethorpes.  It was extremely busy here as it was armed forces day and a lot was going on.  There was a parade and displays that were really interesting and we even got to see a tank up close! As exciting as it was I didn't enjoy it too much as there was way to many people for my liking (not good in crowds oops).  I certainly felt relieved when dad said he wanted to go back to the caravan.

On the Sunday we spent the day in Mablethorpe, my favourite place on that coast, it has kind of become tradition that me and dad spend a day there every year.  We had a nice chilled day walking round the shops, playing crazy golf (I won!!) and going in the arcades.  I loved the arcade as we found one that gave you tickets and I kept winning lots!  Then after the arcade it was back to the caravan to pack up things we wouldn't need overnight or in the morning.

Monday came and it was back to reality, the car was packed up and we left making our way home for me to go to work that afternoon.  it was a bit gutting as it was a lovely day and none of us wanted to leave.

Leigh x