Monday, 15 June 2015


Hello there,


There never seems to be enough of it, some days it drags others its gone in the blink of an eye, but time doesn’t speed up or slow down it’s a constant.  The hours of a day, the minutes, the seconds they’re all the same day in day out so why does it feel like days go quicker when others are moving at a painful snail’s pace?

I’ve discovered recently that as much as it seems like there’s no time, there’s always time.  I’ve been having a lot of hours at work, whilst also planning activities for our local Brownie group and turning party planner into fundraising planner whilst learning to drive and I can honestly say I’ve never felt this tired in my whole life.  I’ve been neglecting things I love as I ‘don’t have enough time’ but is that really the case? I can still write down my thoughts and feelings on a subject, I can still watch my favourite you tubers I just have to use the time in between all the other things that take up the most time.  I have a 40 minute bus journey twice each day that I’m working, surely I could use that time more effectively… maybe I could write using that time, I have a phone that types so why not? 

There’s so many quote about time and how we should use it wisely as it’s something we can never have back.  If we all knew how much time we had left would we live our lives differently? Maybe that’s something I should think about… if this was my last day on this earth what would I want to have done in the time I did have? What do I want to see before the times gone? I should think of these things and make it happen and I suppose in a way I am, the bucket list I mentioned and posted a blog about is in a way my planning of time, its pushing me to do things I probably would have left till later.  I’ve started driving lessons, have started saving up for my trip to London and got back to something I love, writing, who knows what the future holds or how much time I have left.  All I know is that I want to use this time in the best ways I can!

Leigh x

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