Saturday, 11 June 2016

Bucket List update 2016

Hello There,

I was sat the other evening going through my things when I found out my bucket list and decided that I would update it to what I have achieved through out the past year or so.

1)    Learn to drive – This one is slowly turning into the bane of my life, I'm doing well on the practical side with only a few mistakes here and there but I just cant get the theory side to stay in my head. ARGH!

2)    Own a car – Still saving up and looking around but it seems pretty pointless to buy a car that I wont be able to use, so still saving and looking but hopefully soon!

3)    Have a job - I have managed to get myself a 12 hour contract! this is pretty big for me as I was petrified going into the interview and came out feeling rubbish but I got it! its only twelve hours but that's still some guaranteed hours and pennies every month plus ill still be working more hours anyway.

4)    Go Abroad –Still hasn't happened and probably wont for a while but at least I have an idea on where I would like to visit.

5)    Meet Ameerah – My trip to London is booked for the end of the month so hopefully if all goes to plan by the end of June I will have finally met Ameerah!

6)    See Sam Smith Live – I am no closer with this one unfortunately.

7)    Watch every episode of Friends – I have started watching them but have only managed the first disc of the box set.  I mean I will have pretty much seen them all I'm sure just not in chronological order.

8)    Do the race for life – I signed up and walked the 5k on 19/07/15 it was so much fun and everyone was so lovely, I shall keep my medal forever!

9)    Learn sign language – As of the second I am writing I am no further with this one but at the next staff meeting we are being taught Makaton, needless to say I am rather excited for that staff meeting.

10) Own a Polaroid camera – I have been looking but as I am saving for a car and London have refrained from buying one.  The cameras themselves in which I have found aren't too expensive its just the paper that you have to put in them is ridiculously priced!

So things are going well so far this year and I cant wait till I can finally say I have achieved every single one of these but until then, bye!

Leigh x

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Best birthday ever?

Hello there,

As it nears my 21st birthday I have begun to get myself a little worked up. The big plans I have for making it a brilliant birthday and the many different things I am doing have all accumulated into making me rather anxious and I don't like it.

So there's my actual birthday itself, just an ordinary day really I'm working 12-6 then I have brownies 6:30-7:30,all should be fine right? Nah I can't stop worrying about if work have cooked something up, a co worker recently had her 21st and they got all the children in one room sang happy birthday and gave her the present they had collectively bought... Lovely right? Not for a self conscious one like me. Brownies however should be a breeze I've decided to start a new badge with the girls and have planned on taking cake (what better way to say birthday than cake?)

And then there's my party the source of all the stress and the many questions that come with it. Should I let the venue do the sandwiches or do them myself? Will this many people turn up? Will this person get along with this person for one night? Will everyone have fun? Will I have fun? So many questions that have been floating through my mind and the biggest one... can I actually pull this off? I think I've realised that planning your own birthday party is a lot harder than planning someone else's. I've had to change so many of my plans from the colour scheme I'd chosen to the cake that I absolutely loved. I just can't help but think will it all actually be worth it?

Next up is my London trip, I am looking forward to this as I have wanted to go back to London for many years but my main worry is can I cope? Will I manage 3 days in the busy fast paced city life when I'm used to my quiet little village. Will I cope with the amount of people and overwhelming overload on my senses? I suppose on this one it's a case of put on a brave face and just enjoy it! And I plan to do just that and hopefully make enough memories and take enough pictures to fill up a rather lovely scrapbook.

Leigh x